How Consolidated ERP Systems Solves Manufacturing, Distribution, and Installation Challenges

Are you facing challenges in managing complex workflows whilst handling manufacturing, distribution, and installation processes? Are you witnessing glitches while expanding your business?

Fret not, this is because the complex processes in these industries require unified ERP systems rather than merged applications. Especially with larger organizations that run on multiple systems.

Right now, we understand that you must be using distinctive applications because of multiple projects, each project must have a different workflow. We also know that it gets difficult to stay in tandem, with so many apps.

Therefore, to ease your work and advance your growth, we recommend you opt for a single, full-function Dynamics 365 ERP solution. With this Consolidated ERP system, you can improve efficiency in manufacturing, distribution, and installation processes like never before. Yes, this comes with many more benefits that can improve your ROI and save costs.

However, ERP systems aren't just for large corporations; small-scale businesses also benefit from their implementation. Now let’s scroll down to delve into more details on how consolidating Dynamic ERP systems can enhance different aspects of your operations. However, before that let’s see exactly What is consolidated ERP System.

What is Consolidated ERP?

You must be wondering what unified ERP stands for in the business context. Let me tell you it is an extremely significant part of an organization as it offers comprehensive solutions that can manage all the processes.

An ERP consolidation is a combination of several ERP systems and databases that are blended into a single unified ERP platform. A single dynamic ERP system eliminates the need for numerous sets of data thus saving time and costs.

Be it the Manufacturing Industry, Distribution process, or businesses with an Installation process, Unified ERP can easily streamline the entire data in one system. Also, with this simple ERP system, it is easy to access Customers, vendors, agreements, communication history, payment history, etc.

This consolidation can lead to the acceleration of your business whilst discovering new business potential that were not aware of. ERP's like Dynamics 365 Business Central and Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations, can help your organization streamline and grow your business.

Top 10 Benefits of using a Consolidated ERP System

Enterprise resource planning (ERP) consolidation delivers organizations with the best blend which is consolidated into one. They can leverage the significant benefits of running a single integrated ERP system without meeting the roadblock of having different IT applications.

Consolidated ERP solutions are especially gaining momentum in complex environments. While small businesses or startups can get one simple ERP configuration, larger organizations run multiple systems, so they consolidate ERP for that environment. Companies are better off consolidating these systems into a single, cohesive platform.

Streamlining Inventory Management

1. Simplify Real-time Inventory Report: Real-time inventory reports are important for manufacturing and distribution companies. With multiple apps, these industries find it difficult to navigate. Whereas a consolidated ERP system offers a common view of the inventory for all the locations.

This unified approach makes it simple for organizations to manage and track their products especially in warehouses. Further, with this, you can ensure that all business units adhere to the same processes while managing their inventory.

2. Reduce Errors & Complexities: Operating multiple ERP business software systems can be difficult and can result in complex redundancies. Whereas Consolidation ERP reduces this complexity by deleting multiple data entries and discrepancies. This not only reduces errors but also saves time.

3. Cost Savings: A consolidated ERP system can eliminate the costs that are incurred while maintaining multiple systems. The same unified approach eases the process and thus reduces the cost.

Amplified Risk Management

4. Secure & Streamlined Key financial Reports: Multiple applications lead to more exposure, more complexities, and more risks. Thereby, this disconnect leads to more risks and hassles. Also, multiple ERP systems integration creates tangles and barriers that don’t let you access data swiftly.

This increases the difficulty of staying on top of asset management, vendor performance, and other workflows. Consolidating multiple enterprise planning tools makes it easier to manage your risk profile. You can streamline key financial processes, data points, and reports and amplify the Risk Management process.

5. Maintain Transparency: Most big-scale industries introduce new ERP systems and functions as their business expands. This expansion can lead to disruption in transparency POLICIES as multiple applications are involved. Therefore, ideally, a single consolidated ERP is better to pull off business transparently.

Boost Efficiency

6. Save Time with One ERP: With Multiple ERP products, multiple resources are involved. A company needs many IT assets to support it. However, with a consolidated ERP, one can reduce costs related to manual tasks, resources, etc.

7. Increase Efficiency: One unified ERP means reducing the time spent on data reconciliation and thus leads to better efficiency. The employees can digress themselves into other tasks and be more efficient.

Improving Business Intelligence

8. Quick Reports and Analytics: With one consolidated ERP, data in a single place, reports can be generated quickly, and thus this can speed up the entire decision-making process. This quick turnaround helps to guide decision-makers to focus on KPIs and thus work on data that is under performing for elevated overall performance.

9. Easy User Interface: A consolidated ERP means a simplified experience. Therefore, those operating a single ERP don’t have to worry about how they can learn multiple models. They can easily navigate solutions through one ERP. Even with employees, this gets easier due to the easy way of learning modules that come with One ERP.

10. Smart Auditing: With consolidated ERP Products, auditing data is extremely accessible. It becomes easy to operate every kind of audit as with one ERP product, it is easy to manage. Furthermore, with a unified ERP, it gets easier to generate reports without any pressure of manual glitches.

How to Install Consolidated ERP'S

Detailed Analysis

For the new ERP, it is important to identify the specific needs of the manufacturing, distribution, and installation departments to determine the necessary functionalities.

Vendor Selection

Now you need to Evaluate which ERP would suit your requirements. You can choose from multiple ERP software vendors in the market. Just ensure you select them based on your identified needs, industry reputation, scalability, and total cost of ownership.

Data Migration

After analyzing the partner, you need to Migrate existing data from various ERP systems into one unified consolidated system. Ensure data integrity by validating migrated data.

Training & Boarding & Testing

Once the system is in place, ask the ERP Implementation partner to train the employees who will be using the ERP Product. Explore different ways available with a partner for training.

Testing & Deployment

Rigorous testing is necessary to ensure system functionality and reliability. Once testing is complete, deploy the system across the organization.

Read Also: Finding Your ERP Implementation Partner? 7 Questions to Ask Before Deciding

Does your Company need Microsoft Dynamics ERP Consolidation?

As you all know Dynamics Square – a Microsoft solutions partner caters to small-scale businesses, mid-scale industries, and large global organizations. The below consolidated ERP product offerings can revolutionize your business like never before.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central: Earlier known as Dynamics NAV, Business Central is a consolidated ERP with all-in-one business management solutions. It is designed for small and midsize businesses.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance & Operations: This ERP solution offers a wide range of functionalities. It's divided into two main applications: Firstly, Dynamics 365 Finance which handles core financial management, including accounting, financial insights, and analytics. Then, Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management which manages manufacturing, warehouse, and inventory operations.

ERP Consolidation Capabilities

Let’s scroll further and see ERP Consolidation Capabilities:

Unified PlatformMicrosoft's Power Platform (including Power BI, Power Automate, and Power Apps) provides businesses with a unified platform for ERP and business analytics.
Seamless Integration with Other Microsoft Products:Consolidated Microsoft's Dynamic ERPs integrate well with other Microsoft products, such as Microsoft 365, Teams, and Azure.
Advanced ScalabilityConsolidated ERP solutions scale with the needs of a business, whether it's expanding into new markets or increasing transaction volumes.
Robust SecurityWith a unified approach, and the backing of Microsoft Azure, Consolidated ERPs come with more security.
AgilityConsolidation ensures that businesses can manage their resources efficiently, gain insights to drive growth and remain agile in a rapidly changing business environment.

Looking at the benefits, we are sure that even you want to implement Consolidated ERP products to enhance your business performance. If we are thinking right, then Dynamics Square can help you out.

Being Microsoft’s solution partner, we are here to implement any of the Dynamics business applications, irrespective of the complexity of your business.

Being in this industry for the last 12 years, we have been working with small and mid-sized organizations and we strive to help them grow their businesses at the utmost level.

So, in case you need help with Dynamics 365 support, implementation, or upgrade, then our 150+ technical consultants will be delighted to help your business grow. With 500+ clients around the globe.

You can send us an e-mail at or call us directly at +1 289 807 0740 to get instant support from a reliable and trusted Dynamics 365 Partner.

Arish Siddiqui

Arish Siddiqui working with Dynamics Square and helps SMB/Enterprises in USA & Canada to use Dynamics 365 ERP/CRM, Power Platform and other Solutions with full of its capabilities which ultimately cut businesses costs and improve efficiency.


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